The Digital Sculptor Who Surfs and Travels

   Meet Javier Tojo, a professional digital sculptor and 3D printer who loves to surf and travel. He uses his laptop to work from anywhere in the world, and these activities inspire him to create amazing sculptures for his clients.

   Javier is an introverted perfectionist who is passionate about his work. He loves to transform 2D illustrations into 3D models, and he is skilled in creating realistic and stylized sculptures. He has worked with DJs to create mega sculptures for their presentations, and he has also made action figure-style toys of Batman and Captain America.

   Javier lives in Montevideo, Uruguay, but he travels frequently. He has been to countries like the Czech Republic and Bali, and he loves to experience new cultures and meet new people. His travels inspire his work, and he often incorporates elements of different cultures into his sculptures.

   If you’re looking for a unique and creative way to commemorate a special occasion, or if you simply want a work of art that will blow your mind, then you need to contact Javier Tojo. His work is sure to inspire you.

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